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Efficient reading and writing skills – for Academic Purposes

Most people associate studying and academics in general with boredom, drudgery, and difficulty. With this attitude, a good number of them hardly ever study unless they have a test in a few days – or hours.

If you never consciously pay attention to developing your study skills (reading and writing skills), your academic performance is bound to suffer. Even if you do well enough, you’ll always instinctively know that you are not fulfilling your potential.


Learning to read and write well is crucial if you desire to be a well-rounded human being. However, most of us perform so poorly in the class because we ignore to teach ourselves these important skills.

Academic performance is measured by how good we are at:
• Listening and understanding
• Reading and understanding
• Writing what we understand

Therefore, the importance of these skills cannot be overstated. You will have a hard time learning if you never become good at them.


Reading skills:

At institutions of higher learning, you are required to read a lot of material, often within a short period of time. How can you best get the most out of your reading?

Here are the different kinds of reading and how you can improve on each:

a) Skimming and Scanning

This involves quickly going through a piece of literature to determine whether it will be useful and relevant to your subject.

Step 1: Understand what you are looking for and use it to weed out useless information.
Step 2: Examine the table of contents to determine whether the resource has what you need.
Step 3: If your text doesn’t have a table of contents, go through topics and subtopics and read the first paragraphs of the initial, middle, and final chapters. You may need to do this even when you go through step 2 successfully.

b) Detailed Reading

This involves going through the material word by word to gather information. Writing short notes as you do so will be necessary.

The best way to read in-depth should go like this:

Step 1: Break down the content into smaller manageable bits. Allocate time to each section.
Step 2: Read in a conducive atmosphere and take notes while you read.


Academic Writing Basics:

Learn how to read first! The best writers are also the best readers. Writing is important because it provides you with a means to express your thoughts. You will be required to write essays, answers, and dissertations throughout your college life.

Follow these simple steps to improve your writing skills:

Step 1: Read regularly – to amass the content that you are going to write, you need to go through many sources. As you read, pay attention to how the writer structures their work, chooses their words and punctuates their text. This is the basis by which you will learn new words and polish your grammar. If you want to write a dissertation, you can buy dissertation at UniTutor and learn how the experts do their writing.
Step 2: Write in a clear and concise manner. Avoid being too wordy.
Step 3: Learn how to reference your work – This will be crucial when you are finalizing your writing. Familiarize yourself with the rules of the standard (APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.) your tutor uses.

Bonus Tips on Academic Writing

1. Avoid using these words: very, a lot, so, really
2. Avoid contractions: Instead of “don’t”, say “do not.”
3. Use active voice instead of passive voice

Bonus tips YouTube Link:

Tips for Effective Reading

Regular reading is essential for everyone. This will help you develop your knowledge, skills and perspectives. It is often done by different groups of people for different purposes. Some read to deepen their knowledge;

Others do this to improve their language skills; Others do it for happiness. It does not matter what the purpose is, the habit helps everyone to improve their personality in many ways.

Differentiate between total understanding and overall impact

In some cases, you will need to understand the subject completely in the content that you need to read. For example, if you work in the finance team and there are changes in accounting rules, then a detailed level of understanding will be important. On the other hand, when it comes to production processes and in finance, general understanding can be all necessary. When you need to read something, be sure to understand whether you need total understanding or general impression.

Always take notes

Need to take notes for effective reading. It is very important to take notes for several reasons. In fact, it will read your conscience and will allow you to focus and follow whatever really is. It helps you get acquainted with the whole theme and the whole theme of the subject. This allows you to analyze some problems and delusions that may appear during reading. It also includes a summary of the whole story.

It is important to write notes with specific details plotted in the digits. It will be very useful in the future. After reading the whole thing, try to write some comments on all the misconceptions coming back to you.

Keep a dictionary next to you

You should always keep your vocabulary or dictionary while reading This can be very useful because you will definitely find some great technical words that can be very difficult to understand. Keep this physical side in mind when you read, because you really need reliable references that help you understand better reading.

Make a summary or a recap

After reading briefly summarized or summarized is also important. The summary is also necessary if you want to organize clear notes of content. It can also help you because it allows you to see if you have understood it well or if you need more time to read it again. This is a very useful strategy when you have to understand the content more with your words compared to the author’s difficult words.

Reading through words is a bad habit of reading and, unfortunately, children are taught to read and learn traditionally. Overcoming this habit will increase the ability of the person to read. The problem with reading words by word is that the reader will not understand the general concept in the text, because it will focus on different words. Techniques are related to reading blocks of pieces or words at the same time and to capture the essence of these groups of words. When you learn to read more words in the block and you understand, you read them fast. The best way to keep a book is to keep it slightly ahead of your eyes.

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